Monday, April 20, 2009


Kujan leans into Verbal's face. He hangs on his every word.

He is supposed to be Turkish. Some say r
his father was German. Nobody believed he
was real. Nobody ever saw him or knew
anybody that ever worked directly for
him, but to hear Kobayashi tell it,
anybody could have worked for Soze. You
never knew. That was his power. The
greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was
convincing the world he didn't exist. One
story the guys told me - the story I
believe - was from his days in Turkey.
There was a petty gang of Hungarians that
wanted their own mob. They realized that
to be in power you didn't need guns or
money or even numbers. You just needed +
the will to do what the other guy
wouldn't. After a while they come to
power, and then they come after Soze He
was small time then, just running dope,
they say...

Three of the Hungarians come bursting into Keyser Soze's +
home. They grab his five children and round them up in the
front room. One of the men grabs his wife and back-hands her
across the face.


They come to his home in the afternoon
looking for his business. They find his
wife and kids in the house and decide to
wait for Soze . (so-Zay)


The front door opens and in walks Keyser Soze. We are never t
allowed to see his face.

Sate's wife lies in the corner, beaten and bruised. Her dress
is tattered to shreds. She cannot look up at her husband.

The three Hungarians stand to greet him. Two hold guns in
their hands. The third holds a straight razor. He grabs
Soze youngest boy and holds the razor to his throat.

He comes home to his wife raped and his
children screaming. The Hungarians knew
Soze was tough. Not to be trifled with.
So they let him know they meant business.

The Hungarian smiles. Soze's wife SCREAMS IN HORROR.
The Hungarian holds up a BLOOD SOAKED RAZOR.
SUDDENLY, he grabs another child. A little girl no older than

VERBAL (narration)
They tell Soze they want his territory -
all his business. Soze looks over the +
faces of his family... Then he showed
these men of will what will really was.

SUDDENLY, Soze pulls out a pistol and shoots the two men with
guns. He turns and aims at the third man holding his child.

The man threatens to cut the child's throat, slicing just
enough to draw blood.


The stunned Hungarian watches the child fall from his arms. Soze turns the pistol on the next child, then the next and
the next. He kills his children one by one in front of the


He tells him he would rather' see his
family dead than live another day after

SOZE walks over to his wife, crying and beaten on the floor
and holds up her head. She gives him the strangest look. One
of trust perhaps, saturated with fear and humiliation.

He puts the gun between her eyes and fires.

He lets the last Hungarian go, and he
goes running. He waits until his wife and
kids are in the ground and he goes after
the rest of the mob. He kills their kids,
he kills their wives, he kills their
parents and their parents' friends.

A dark and looming figure of a man walks in front of a wall
of fire - a black shadow blurred by waves of heat.

He burns down the houses they live in and
the stores they work in, he kills people
that owe them money. And like that he was
gone. Underground. No one has ever seen
him again. He becomes a myth, a spook
story that criminals tell their kids at
night. If you rat on your pop, Keyser
Soze will get you. And nobody really ever

Do you believe in him, Verbal?

Keaton always said: "I don't believe in
God, but I'm afraid of him." Well I
believe in God, and the only thing that
scares me is Keyser SOZE.

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