Wednesday, February 18, 2009

in a decent society, quality medical attention is a birthrigh

And he inherits an economy that needs not only to be revived, but also to be reformed--to be made greener and more equal and less rapacious.

Affirm the principle that, in a decent society, quality medical attention is a birthright. And we reject as false the choice between our safety and our ideals. HOT AIR.

Around the globe, the temptation for Obama to run away from ideals, and fall back on interests, will be great. Bush, after all, has badly tainted foreign-policy idealism. But, instead of abandoning idealism, Obama should strive to save it. That means fulfilling our obligations to the people of Iraq and Afghanistan--providing them with as much stability and freedom from tyranny as we have within our means to ensure. It means using American power to stop genocide, and dealing unflinchingly with regimes--from Iran to Burma to China--that suppress their own people or threaten others. And it means revivifying our role as the vanguard in crafting global efforts to check the spread of nuclear weapons and carbon emissions

In a decent society, quality medical attention is a birthright.

Maybe I AM cynical. But this is just not a fact of life. This birthright entitlement idea is the split between the two american philosophies. And the right is right. We can't afford to help the unfortunate. Obama speaks of the reach of our prosperity. Well, it ain't necessarily so.

In any case, this is a balanced view of Obama, minus my lovingly culled references to how horrible his so called soaring rhetoric is. But I'm just jealous. This guy is just plain having more fun than I am. So of course, being me, I react with spite. Not that I'm sure what that means exactly. Bitter and unhappy with the success of others, constantly crammed in my face. Is that so bad? Isn't it just natural to resent your betters? And find fault. Where fault can be found. I mean, my fault finding has been accurate hasn't it??

It doesn't matter anyway. It's just me carrying on and showing off. Pass the time. Observe the passing scene with some clarity. It's enjoyable. Of course, resenting your betters is not enjoyable. It's a goddamned curse. The work is to reject old patterns of behavior. But who has ever done that? I mean, that is very hard work. Probably impossible work. Stop being resentful. How about no attachments. Or selected attachments that don't lead to resentment. Lots of luck.

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